Saturday, January 28, 2006


Browsing life
This website features a wealth of information pertaining to almost all the aspects of biology. You can browse either by subject, region or organisms. The content includes links to science-related news stories as well. There is also a monthly newsletter to which you can subscribe and receive new internet resources.

Layout troubles?
Tired of hunting for a good template for your blog, and then having to customize it to suit you? Here is just the website. It features loads of templates in various colour schemes and layouts, tailor-made for the Blogger. Also available are the guidelines on how to change templates and external links to websites that provide similar templates.

Maths all around
Did you know that when you are cooking you are actually using rules about ratios and proportions? And did you ever wonder how many times you have to measure the area when wallpapering your room? Find out all these interesting details, and much more, about the use of mathematics in your daily life on this incredibly informative website.

Cool down!
Ever wondered how the science of refrigerator works? With clear illustrations, this website gives you details on how refrigerators manage to turn things cold and then maintain the temperature. The process is explained in simple language so that even if you have not studied science before, you will understand it all.

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