Saturday, August 19, 2006


Engineering blues
For all professional and would-be engineers, this website is an absolute godsend. There are links to publications and software related to engineering. Plus, there are forums where registered members can interact with engineers from all over the world. There is also a wealth of information categorised into different engineering-related topics like formulas and mathematics.

Views and news
Don’t get enough science-related news? This website will definitely satisfy your curiosity about what’s new in the world of science and health. Featured here are detailed news reports on things like avian flu, tsunami and stem cells. Also worth reading are the opinions of different columnists writing for their own sections.

How‘s my page?
How many times has it happened that you have designed the perfect website or web-page only to be told that it is looking absolutely horrendous on other browsers? Bookmark this website to ensure that this doesn’t happen again. All you need to do is enter your URL and this website will show you how your work will look on different browsers. You can then adjust your source code accordingly.

Tracking business
Have you ever wondered what sort of pictures do satellites send back once they are in space? Here is your answer. Featured on this website are a number of satellites and you can see real time photos which they are capturing right now. You can also go through the news and analyses featured at the site.

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