Saturday, September 23, 2006


Path of the moon
Yes, we all know the path of the moon and have studied it numerous times in the science classes. But how would you like to see its simulation on your PC? Check this website out which has an animation showing the moon going through different phases in a month. There is a great deal of related information as well on the solar system and orbits of planets in case you are interested in astronomy. So do visit this website to learn more on the subject.

Safety first
With countries around the world becoming embroiled in one conflict too many, the information on this website is something that is worth looking at. Basically this website will tell you how you should protect yourself when your city is being bombed by keeping organised and defending yourself effectively. It also delves into the way it works and the scale of its destruction along with various lesser known facts about atomic bombs. This website is definitely worth taking a look at in this day and time.

Monopolising Monopoly
Are you a die-hard Monopoly fan yet keep losing one game after the other? This website will let you know how a simple program written in C and the way knowledge of basic mathematics can help in figuring out the probability for each square and income. It’s a bit technical but if you are really into monopoly, read through the whole thing, and relive your experiences of Monopoly.

Goodies galore
This website has something of everything. You can simply point and click to download an array of stuff from interesting Windows programs to animations and simulations on scientific phenomena. There are detailed notes and technical details provided with each so you can figure out exactly how a specific tool was developed and how it works.

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