Saturday, June 14, 2008

Caution: Read before you use

World over, people use household products to either speed up their work or make it more efficient. These products have become a regular feature in most houses and are becoming increasingly popular.

However, most of us are blissfully unaware of the reality behind these products. Unsafe Home is a website which discusses in detail the commonly used household stuff, and, on the basis of thorough research, proves that there are some products which pose significant health hazards in the long-run. And these products can be as seemingly harmless as cleaners, disinfectants, household pesticides, perfumes, antiseptics and air fresheners.

The drop-down menu at top of the homepage is the best way to access the required information since it is categorised into various sections.

The first section is the most enlightening — it will give you information on different chemicals that you keep in your house. This section not only carries research on such items, but discusses the basic construction of houses as well. It describes how the material that is used in pipes and kitchen counters can release toxins which are injurious to health.

The best feature about the section is that it has specifically named the chemicals emitted by different types of household material and products, focusing health hazards of each. The next section on House Problems delves deeper with cleaners and the health hazards that they pose.

Another section deals with personal care products. These products are not very safe either, according to this website. Harmless looking antiperspirants and nail polishes may contain chemicals that harm you physically in the long run. You can read through this section to discover what to watch out for in the case of which product.

Moreover, there are many quick facts and figures illustrating the points made — most of them pertain to the US, but they are still alarming.

Overall, this website does not only educate about the risks in your house — it also tries to guide you towards safer choices. If you are in the process of getting your house constructed, you can pay more attention to these minor details to ensure a safe environment for you and your family. If you are the person responsible for stocking up the grocery cupboard every month, then this website will help you decide which products to choose. At the end of the day, it is all about vigilance and how you exercise it.

To find out more about how common household products can harm us, log on to

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