Saturday, April 4, 2009

Making Technology Work for You

When someone starts talking about the internet or computers in general, how do you join in? What are the first few phrases which pop up in your mind? Can you spot your likely response among the following?

“Ooh, are you going to tell me about a new game?”
“Do you know of a website from where I can download free essays?”
“I need a really unique poem for my elocution. Can you search it for me?”
“My teacher makes me write all my assignments — we can’t submit a typed one.”

Complains, grumbles and requests — when it comes to technology, don’t you all just love to complain that your teachers cannot keep up with you, or that your friend took the elocution poem from the website which you wanted for yourself? Or maybe, your parents don’t give you enough time for gaming, and you are always itching to go and play at every odd time.
Interestingly, while games definitely top the list of things which you love to do over the internet, there are a lot of other things which you can do in order to benefit from technology. After all, there is a lot more to the internet, or any communications technology for that matter, than just games.

Here are some of the ways you can use the technologies available to you, and improve your skills in the classroom.

Read the rest of the article here:

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